Tickets for special trains


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Steam sausage cruiser

Buy your additional ticket for yourself and your companions (including children) for the steam sausage loafers today and have guaranteed places for this great experience.
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Full Moon Dinner

Buy your ticket for our full moon extra ride here and reserve your guaranteed place.
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Extra trip on the national holiday

Buy your ticket for our August 1st extra trip here and reserve your guaranteed seat.
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Footplate ride

Buchen Sie hier Ihren garantierten Platz im Führerstand der Dampflokomotive. Andere Daten auf Anfrage.
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Fireman course - 1 day

The Brienz Rothorn Bahn heating courses are a real hit!
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Fireman course - 3 days

The Brienz Rothorn Bahn heating courses are a real hit!
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